Fuente: ADALA UK
Adala UK da la bienvenida a la iniciativa de los periodistas portugueses que han iniciado una campaña de sensibilización sobre la situación del periodista Saharaui, Mahmoud El Haisan, prisionero político en la Cárcel Negra de El Aaiun en los TTOO del Sahara Occidental, condenado a 18 meses, llamando a la solidaridad de los compañeros periodistas a nivel internacional firmando la carta.
Siguen recibiendo firmas de periodistas y llaman una vez mas a todos que se unen y solidaricen con su compañero de profesión.
H.E. Ban Ki-Moon, General Secretary of the United Nations,
We, undersigned appeal to your intervention in the case of the Saharawi journalist Mr. Mahmoud El Haisan, currently detained in the Black Jail of Laayoune in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.
Mr. Mahmoud El Haisan, correspondent for RASD TV, a local TV station in Western Sahara, was abducted on the 4th of July 2014 at 03h30 by four Toyota Prado with over 20 agents of the Moroccan authorities in uniforms and in plainclothes, in front of his house on Menzuar Street, Laayoune, this is contrary to all international conventions the Kingdom of Morocco subscribes and a clear violation of the Human Rights’ Charta, he was taken to Laayoune’s commissariat, brutally beaten and tortured by the agents on duty and taken to the Black Jail of Laayoune.
He was accused in the first arraignment of being part of a armed mob and of attacks against Moroccan authorities during the celebration of the results of the Algerian football team on 26th and 30th of June.
Mr. El Haisan was on both occasions filming the celebrations and the actions of the Moroccan authorities which attacked the Saharawi who celebrated the result of the Algerian football team by exhibiting the Algerian and Saharawi flag and wearing the Algerian football team t-shirt.
Mr. Mahmoud El Haisan was sentenced to 18 month of prison. He has serious health issues that are aggravated daily due to the tortures he has suffered several times during his incarceration and the sub-human conditions in the Black Jail of Laayoune.
The arbitrary detention and threats that Mahmoud El Haisan suffered are a clear example of the Moroccan state’s repressive regime against Saharawi journalists working in the Occupied Territories.
We appeal to you to put pressure on the Kingdom of Morocco to free Mr. Mahmoud El Haisan.
Carmen Marques – Journalist, Portugal
Artur Lourenço – Photographer, Portugal
Bruno Raposo – Photographer, Portugal
Myriam Zaluar – Journalist, Portugal
José Carlos Soares – Journalist, Portugal
José Mussuaili – Journalist, Portugal
Wilson Silva – Journalist, Portugal
Margarida Silva – Journalist, Portugal
Jomah Alqasem, Journalist, Syria
Gabriel Corbacho Bermejo – Journalist-lawyer, Spain
María de los Ángeles Cuenda Gago – Journalist- political scientist, Spain
Leticia Dorta Lemus – Journalist, Spain
José Luis Jiménez Navarrete – Journalist, Spain
José María López Guerra – Journalist, Spain
Manuel Minero González – Journalist, Spain
José Oropesa Rodríguez – Journalist, Spain
Sergio Rodrigo Ruíz – Journalist, Spain
Maria do Carmo Piçarra – Journalist, Portugal
Paulo Caetano – Journalist, Portugal
Rached Redwan, Filmmaker, Spain
André Manuel Gomes Mendes – Journalist, Portugal