H. is eleven years old, a sweet and studious girl who should worry about going out with friends, favorite singers, the latest movies, but instead became the translator of a broken family.
Carefully she conveys to me what has happened today, with the utmost concern not to forget anything.
“The police left our house minutes ago. They pushed the women around, my grandmother ….
My grandmother said: you arrested my son and he is innocent.
They would push them and say that they have to get inside the house, shut up, take the pictures off the walls “
H. Stops, she listens to what her mother is saying.
“Mum says to tell you what Grandma said …
They were many
She will send you the videos …”
This report comes from El Aaiun, from the occupied territories of Western Sahara, from the family home of Sidi Abdallahi Abbahah, a Saharawi political prisoner of the group of Gdeim Izik, on hunger strike since 9 March.
Abdallahi son of Ahmedsidi, son of Mamia, brother, uncle of this girl who transforms into translator and rapporteur of violence.
“Tell your mother please, that I wrote everything and the women of your family are very brave, you are very brave,” H does not see the tears that run down my face.
Tears of someone who does not want a world with girls who translate horrors.
“I like you very much,” says the girl of the stolen childhood, another victim of the Moroccan occupation who refuses to be a victim and is actually a Saharawi hero.
Today porunsaharalibre.org has decided to convey this news to you through the voice of H.