Month March 2019

Saharawi political prisoner, Mohammed Benno released

BENTILI.- The Saharawi political prisoner “Mohammed Mansour Salama Benno” was released on 28/03/2019 after spending a month and five days in the black jail of El Aaiun in occupied Western Sahara. Mohammed was arrested on 22.02.2019 after his participation in…

Saharawi political prisoner Mbarek Daoudi released

PUSL.- The Saharawi political prisoner Mbarek Daoudi was released this morning with time served after five and a half years in prison. Daoudi has had several trials without ever having been shown evidence of any crime committed. Daoudi who was…

Declaration on the SADC Solidarity Conference with Western Sahara

We, The Heads of State and Government or representatives of the following SADC Member States: Republic of Angola, Republic of Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kingdom of Eswatini, Kingdom of Lesotho, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Mauritius, Republic of Mozambique, Republic…

Sahrawi journalist’s trial postponed

PUSL.- The trial of Nazha El Khalidi that should have taken place today was postponed to the 20th of May at request of her lawyer since she is in Europe participating in several conferences. El Khalidi, a Sahrawi media activist,…

US report on Western Sahara confirms WAR CRIME

PUSL.-In the recently published Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2018 – Western Sahara[1], the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor of the US Department of State confirms that Morocco is committing and ongoing of the Practice Relating…