PUSL/TORNADO.- Human rights violations in the occupied territories and the situation of the Gdeim Izik prisoners are highlighted in an advance copy of the Report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation concerning Western Sahara for the information of the members of the Security Council this April.
The Secretary General notes that Gaps in reporting on the situation of human rights in Western Sahara persist owing to the lack of access of OHCHR to the territory. In its resolution 2440 (2018), the Security Council encouraged enhanced cooperation with OHCHR, including through facilitating visits to the region.
In reference to the Gdeim Izik Political Prisoners the SG informs that Torture and ill-treatment of Sahrawi prisoners in Morocco continued to be reported. OHCHR (UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights) received several communications from lawyers and/or family members of the Gdeim Izik group of prisoners alleging that several members of the group were subjected to torture, prolonged solitary confinement, medical neglect, denial of family visits and access to independent monitoring mechanisms. The SG also mentions the hunger strikes of the Gdeim Izik prisoners some with a duration of over 30 days which resulted in some of these prisoners consequently developing critical health conditions.
The report addresses also the expulsion or denial of access of human rights defenders, researchers, lawyers and representatives of international non-governmental organizations to the territory of Western Sahara by the Moroccan authorities.
Read the full report here: