The Sahrawi Committee CODAPSO meets with the US newspaper, the Wall Street Journal

Hmad Hammad, M. Dadash, D. Nissembaum y A. Biay

Writing and editing: Diario La Realidad Saharaui/DLRS 05/17/2019
The Sahrawi Committee CODAPSO meets with the US newspaper, The Wall Street Journal.

The Committee for the Defense of Self-Determination of the People of Western Sahara, CODAPSO, met on May 13 in the occupied city of El Aaiun, Western Sahara with the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal and has reported on the situation of human rights violations that the Saharawi suffer in the occupied territories .

As DLRS has been able to gather, the Committee for the Defense of the Right to Self-Determination of the People of Western Sahara met in El Aaiun on May 13 with the distinguished American journalist Dion Nissenbaum. The meeting was attended by Mr. Sidi Mohamed Dadash, Norwegian Rafto Human Rights Prize, the Vice Chair of the Committee, Mr. Hmad Hammad and Abdelaziz Biay member of the Committee “.

According to the source, this meeting with The Wall Street Journal of the USA and members of CODPASO, dealt with the situation of human rights in the occupied region of Western Sahara by Morocco, especially the violations of the rights of freedom of expression, demonstration, freedom of movement and the situation of Saharawi political prisoners in the Moroccan prisons, as well as the abuses of the Moroccan military authorities against the Sahrawi civilian population that lives under Moroccan control.

CODAPSO members expressed at the meeting, their concern and denunciation of the serious continuation of human rights violations that the Moroccan State continues against the peaceful Sahrawi demonstrators, as well as the repression against the Saharawi political prisoners in several Moroccan prisons.

In 2016 journalist Dion Nissembaum of the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal was arrested and accused by the Turkish authorities, when he worked as a correspondent for the newspaper in the Middle East region and Turkey.