Month May 2020


Mohamed Abdelaziz has left a legacy of struggle, honor, justice, respect and affection. A statesman, a good man and an example that managed to unite a whole people despite the physical separation and dispersion of the Saharawi by various territories…

BNG asks Foreign Affairs Minister about her tweet

PUSL.- The BNG (Bloc Nacionalista Galego) questions the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Spanish Congress regarding the absence of the Saharawi flag on the map of Africa that she published. The  Deputy of the Galician Nationalist Bloc, Néstor Rego,…

Morocco has no sovereignty over Western Sahara, says Dr. Al-Hadrami

NOUAKCHOTT (Mauritania)– Yemenite diplomat and former ambassador to Malaysia, Dr. Hussein Bahamid Al-Hadrami, said “Morocco has no sovereignty over Western Sahara, according to the resolutions of the United Nations and the International Court of Justice in the Hague.” Speaking…

Mahfouda Elfakir’s family reports being under house arrest

PUSL.- Bamba Elfakir, father of the activist and recently released Mahfouda Elfakir, denounces that his daughter’s release was fictitious. The Mahfouda family home is from the day of her release, after having served her sentence, completely under siege by Moroccan…

The Decolonisation of Western Sahara: the UN Pending Mission

Dr Sidi M. Omar Frente POLISARIO Representative at the United Nations The UN observes these days the Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories in accordance with General Assembly resolution 54/91 of 6 December 1999, by which the…

“Africa Day” without reason to be proud in 2020

PUSL.- Africa Day is marked this year under the Covid-19 pandemic, the urgency to silence arms and the inability to decolonize the continent, which continues with Morocco occupying Western Sahara. Today, the African continent celebrates Africa Day. A sad anniversary…


May the joy of Eid UL Fitr be with you for the rest of your life. May all your desires be fulfilled by the grace of Allah. Happy Eid ul Fitr!

German companies in occupied Western Sahara

PUSL / Jornal Tornado.- Companies that operate in occupied territories are not neutral actors. Their business activities work towards the status of the occupation and make it a profitable business. Cimsud  company which operates a grinding unit in El Aaiun…