PUSL.- Said Dambar’s family home in El Aaiun, occupied Western Sahara, was yesterday under police siege.
The occupation authorities prevented the access of various human rights activists and journalists to enter the house to participate in an event that marked the murder of the young Saharawi at the hands of the Moroccan terror regime.
According to members of the Al Gargarat media group, they approached the Dambar family home and were immediately stopped by the occupation police and insulted.
Morocco tries to prevent by all means any activities that highlight the crimes that are committed by the regime of Mohamed VI in the occupied territories.
Dambar was assassinated by a Moroccan police officer on 12/22/2010 with several gun shots, one of them between the eyes, when leaving a cybercafé after a football game broadcast on the spot. Only a day later, on 12/23/2010, the chief physician of El Aaiún hospital informed the family of Said Dambar’s death, indicating that the bullet that went through the skull was the cause of death.
From that date onwards and due to the family’s insistence on an autopsy and their protests for the murder of Dambar, the Moroccan occupation police began to constantly harass the family and encircle their home, sometimes with incursions into the home resulting in injuries among family members. Several of the walls of the house have marks of shots and the family showed in 2014 to the international observer, Isabel Lourenço, how they had to close the door of the house and then put a tree trunk to reinforce the door to give the family time to dress, in particular children and women, before the various nocturnal incursions of the occupying forces that acted with extreme violence.
The police officer suspected of having committed the murder was sentenced to 15 years in prison on 12-10-2011. The family was not allowed to attend the trial. The judge denied that an autopsy was carried out and only policemanJamal Takermcht was charged. The judges final sentencing denied any responsibility or involvement on the part of the Moroccan state.
The family has suffered daily reprisals since the death of Said Dambar due to the denunciations they have made at all international levels. This is yet another example of the Moroccan terror regime. Dambar was assassinated just over a month after the dismantling of the protest camp of Gdeim Izik, when the Moroccan authorities exercised particular repression on the Saharawi population in the face of the silence of the international community and especially MINURSO – the “peace” mission of the Nations United on the ground.
[…] 殺された青年の追悼の会を妨害 10年前に殺された青年サイード・ダンバールの追悼の会がエル=アイウン市内の自宅で行われた際、参加しようと集まった人たちをモロッコ警察が妨害した。ダンバールは2010年12月22日(グデイム・イジーク抵抗キャンプ事件の直後)、サイバーカフェを出たところで警察の銃弾を浴び、翌日家族は彼の死亡を告げられた。銃弾は眉間を貫通していたという。警察官のジャマール・タケルムシュトが殺人罪で15年の刑を言い渡されたが、警察の組織的関与は認められなかった。ダンバールの家族は殺害事件以来、夜襲などさまざまな嫌がらせを受けている。(Por un Sahara Libre, 23 July 2020) https://porunsaharalibre.org/2020/07/23/said-dambars-family-house-under-police-siege/?lang=en […]