ASAARAUI Brazil expresses its support to the Saharawi People, victim of the aggression of Morocco


ASAARAUI – Association of Solidarity and for the Self-determination of the Saharawi People, goes public to strongly condemn the violation of the ceasefire by the feudal and colonial monarchy of Morocco and provide full support and solidarity to the legitimate and energetic response of the Army of the Saharawi Democratic Republic, in defense of the Saharawi civilian population in the area of ​​Guerguerat.

This aggression violates the terms of the ceasefire agreement signed in 1991 between the POLISARIO Front and Morocco, whose [sole responsibility is Morocco, which does not respect international law and continues with its colonial project and violations against the Saharawi people.

We condemn the inoperability of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum on Western Sahara – MINURSO and denounce its complicity with Morocco, moving away from its only objective, which is to ensure the holding of the referendum on self-determination in Western Sahara.

The serious events justify the legitimate right to self-defense of the SADR Army, with the firm leading of the POLISARIO Front, whose results are the sole responsibility of Morocco.

The Government of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic has the legitimate right to defend its territory, as well as its population, guaranteed by international law and the United Nations Charter.

For these reasons, we defend

1. The immediate abandonment of the area by the Moroccan occupation forces and the return to compliance with the ceasefire agreements signed in 1991.

2. Urgent UN and MINURSO intervention in the area to enforce the peace agreement and the ceasefire between both parties.

3. We call on popular movements, political parties and Brazilian institutions, as well as progressive peoples and governments in Latin America and the Caribbean to actively reject the violation of the ceasefire and the Moroccan aggression against the Saharawi people.

It is urgent to guarantee the end of the aggressions and violations in Morocco and respect for the ceasefire agreements and the holding of the referendum of self-determination of the Saharawi people.

Brasilia, November 13, 2020.
Association of Solidarity and Self-Determination of the Saharawi People