Moroccan occupation forces fear Saharawis

PUSL.- Yesterday, 20 November in El Aaiun, the capital of Western Sahara, the occupying forces (police and paramilitaries and intelligence services) were harassing all minors and young people on the streets, removing their cell phones and searching them.

The incredible repression that Morocco is carrying out on the Saharawi population in the occupied territories, saw an increase on the 13th of November after Morocco’s violation of the ceasefire and the consequent restart of the war between the Polisario Front and the Kingdom of Morocco.

Occupation authorities are faced with non-violent resistance from Saharawis in all cities in the occupied territories, including in schools, hospitals and on the street.

In response, violence increased, torturing minors, as was the case of Hayat, a 12-year-old girl who, for the sole reason of having drawn a Saharawi flag on the school coat, was reported by the school to the police who subjected her to psychological and physical torture.

In Bojador several women in the Sultana Khaya family, including their 75-year-old mother, were beaten with objects.

Arrests, kidnapping, torture and house-to-house searches by well-known activists and everyone under the age of 30 have been a constant since 13 November.

Morocco fears the Saharawis, who despite all these repressions do not remain silent, nor remain at home. Morocco fears non-violent action because it is living proof of the strength of this people, but it also fears that at any moment the war that until now is being fought along the Moroccan military wall, with a length of 2720km and with cutting-edge military equipment, can start from within the territory.

Moroccan settlers who are far outnumber the Saharawi population, are afraid, they know that this land is not theirs and know that the Saharawis will not give up.

Years of impoverishment, forced disappearances, kidnappings, torture, rape, arbitrary detentions, discrimination in schools and hospitals and unemployment have led Saharawis to have very little or nothing to lose and everything to gain.

“You cannot treat them too badly, if you do they have nothing to lose” said a slave owner in ancient Rome. An absolute truth because there is no one more dangerous than the man who has nothing to lose and everything to gain.