Plenary of the Spanish Congress defends referendum in Western Sahara and does not support Sanchéz of the PSOE

PUSL.- The plenary of the Congress approved this Thursday the initiative of Podemos, ERC and Bildu in favor of an agreed referendum on Western Sahara.

The PSOE chose to vote against, distancing itself from its colleagues in the government and its parliamentary allies, despite the fact that last Tuesday, the PSOE declared that it was willing to support the proposal, just two days later it announced its vote against, alleging that in the debate on the proposal its own partners had made unacceptable attacks on President Sanchéz and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Albares.

The text that was voted on calls for support for a referendum within the framework of the UN “in the conviction that only dialogue, negotiation and agreement carried out in good faith and in a constructive manner, in accordance with international law, will contribute to reaching a solution that is realistic, viable and acceptable policy for both parties to the conflict in Western Sahara”.

The proposal was voted in favor by all parties, except by the PSOE that voted against and the abstentions of
Citizens and Vox.

– Approved text and vote below:


The Table of the Chamber has adopted the agreement that is indicated with respect to the matter of reference.

(162) Proposal not of Law before the Plenary.

Author: GCUP-EC-GC GR GEH Bildu.

Proposal not of Law relative to the position of the Spanish Government in relation to the conflict in Western Sahara.


Considering that the debate of the initiative before the Plenary is requested, admit it for processing as a Proposal not of Law in accordance with article 194 of the Regulations, order its knowledge by the Plenary of the Chamber, transferring it to the Government and publishing it in the Official Gazette of the General cuts.

In execution of said agreement, the publication is ordered in accordance with article 97 of the Chamber’s Regulations.

Palace of the Congress of Deputies, March 29, 2022.—P.D. The Secretary General of the Congress of Deputies, Carlos Gutiérrez Vicén.

To the Table of the Congress of Deputies

The Unidas Podemos -En Comú Podem-Galicia en Comun, Republican and Euskal Herria Bildu Parliamentary Groups, under article 193 and following of the Regulations of Congress, present the following Non-Judicial Proposal regarding the position of the Spanish Government in relation to the Western Sahara conflict for debate in plenary.

Statement of reasons

A part of the Spanish Government has unilaterally modified its position in relation to the Western Sahara conflict, contravening the resolutions of the United Nations and International Law itself, adopting a new position in which it is stated that the proposal for an autonomy regime for the Sahara that Morocco made in 2007 is the “most serious, realistic and credible” proposal for the resolution of the conflict. This change means de facto supporting the path proposed by Morocco, abandoning the basis of a political solution that is mutually acceptable, as set out in the UN resolutions.

This decision has been taken without having consulted or shared it with any of the political groups in the Congress of Deputies and contravening the majority consensus of the chamber. A decision of such political significance, which in addition to entailing a change in the historical position held up to now, could unleash diplomatic consequences with Western Sahara itself, Algeria and Morocco cannot be adopted with its back to the majority will of the Congress of Deputies and without the expected transparency in decisions of such political and social importance. Nor should the possible consequences in the economic and energy spheres that this decision could entail be forgotten.

The political way of resolving the conflict between Western Sahara and the kingdom of Morocco based on the various UN resolutions that advocate a negotiated and satisfactory solution for the parties promoted by MINURSO, has today the endorsement of the international and European institutions, as well as the social and political majority represented in this chamber.

For all these reasons, the following Non-Judicial Proposal is presented

«The Congress of Deputies ratifies its support for the UN resolutions and the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), in the conviction that only dialogue, negotiation and agreement carried out in good faith and in a constructive manner, in accordance with International Law, will help to reach a fair, realistic, viable, lasting and acceptable political solution for both parties to the political conflict in Western Sahara.”

Palace of the Congress of Deputies, March 25, 2022.

—Pablo Echenique Robba, Spokesperson for the Confederal Parliamentary Group of United We Can-En Comú Podem-Galicia in Common.

—Gabriel Rufián Romero, Spokesperson for the Republican Parliamentary Group.

—Mertxe Aizpurua Arzallus , Spokesperson for the Euskal Herria Bildu Parliamentary Group.


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