Moroccan occupation conceals its heavy human and material losses since the resumption of the armed struggle

Brahim Ghali afirma que la ocupación marroquí oculta las cuantiosas pérdidas humanas y materiales infligidas

DAKHLA (Sahrawi refugee camps) – The Sahrawi president and secretary general of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, said that the Moroccan occupation is hiding its heavy human and material losses inflicted along the berm, since the resumption of the armed struggle, following its blatant violation of the ceasefire agreement, thus practicing the policy of blackout and distortion of the truth.

In an interview granted on Monday to the Spanish and French press, on the sidelines of the 16th Congress of the Polisario Front held in the wilaya of Dakhla, in the Sahrawi refugee camps, President Ghali said that “the policy of blackout is an old and new policy that the Moroccan occupation has, The policy of blackout is an old and new policy that the Moroccan occupation has always adopted, in order to hide the heavy losses inflicted on it by the valiant soldiers of the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army (SPLA),” the Sahrawi Press Agency (SPS) reported.

Regarding the decision to resume the armed struggle, following the violation by the Moroccan occupier of the ceasefire and the aggression against defenseless civilians in the illegal breach of El Guerguerat, on November 13, 2020, President Ghali stressed that “the Sahrawi people have always advocated peace, but do not hesitate to take up arms, when it comes to defending themselves.

Mr. Ghali also highlighted the collaboration of the Saharawi state, for thirty years, with the United Nations to find a peaceful and just solution that guarantees the Saharawi people’s right to self-determination and independence.

He also castigated “the complicit silence of the UN, which refuses, without any reason, to call things by their real names and to designate the Moroccan occupation state, being the only one responsible for the violation of the cease-fire that lasted nearly 30 years, as an integral part of the UN-AU (now AU) settlement plan, approved by the two parties to the conflict (Polisario Front and Morocco) in August 1988, and then adopted by the Security Council in its resolutions 658 (1990) and 690 (1991).

Referring to the “Marocgate”, the Saharawi president said that the vice is tightening further on the Makhzen regime, which accentuates a little more “the isolation of the Moroccan Kingdom at the double continental and international level.