PUSL .- Once again a visit is made to discuss among other things the “question of Western Sahara” which includes Morocco and Algeria, but not the Sahara or Mauritania.
This time, it is the US Under-Secretary of State, but it is indifferent who is the “visitor”, this scenario has been recurring since the first days of the conflict and over nearly five decades.
It is of course legitimate to discuss Western Sahara with neighbouring countries (Algeria and Mauritania), what is not legitimate is to visit the occupier (Morocco) and not the occupied (Polisario Front, legitimate representative of the Saharawi people).
Moreover, this exclusion indicates that they are neither interested in the opinion of the Saharawis nor aware of the importance of the Saharawis in the conflict.
It is surprising and astonishing that after so many years of struggle and war and cease-fire and resumption of the war the world has still not understood that without the Saharawis the “Saharawi conflict” will have no solution.
I do not want to diminish here the importance of neighbouring countries obviously, above all Algeria which has welcomed and continues to welcome the Saharawis who had to flee in a mass exodus, worthy of a Hollywood historical film, under the bombardments of the Moroccan occupier in 1975 to the south of Algeria , to an inhospitable desert where they survive until today with the help of the Algerian government and people.
Nevertheless it is unacceptable to meet with Morocco without meeting with the Polisario Front. In the end it is the Saharawis who decide their fate, they can all be massacred and disappear from the face of the earth, but it is they who will decide their future.
The lack of vision of the “western” world on this question is regrettable and demonstrates political ignorance combined with a supposed “realpolitik” which has already led to the defeat of “big” nations before “small” peoples as can be seen throughout the history of humanity.
They claim to be evolved defenders of this and that, but the truth is that the human being does not change its essence and the occupier, the invader will always have the support of those who have the same mentality.
To continue to persist in ignoring the Saharawis and putting them in second place in a conflict which determines the future of this people, besides being absolutely irresponsible in political and human terms, is a gross error and will lead to serious consequences for the whole region, which in turn will generate a wave of events which will end up affecting not only the African continent but also the “western countries”.
The shamelessness of ignoring the Saharawi people will be paid for in gold.
What would the people and government of the USA think in this case (referring to this most recent visit of the USA) if in the case of a conflict with Canada one would visit Canada, Greenland and Russia and even Mexico but not the USA?
Evidently this “valorisation” of the actors, placing Morocco as a principal actor but not the Polisario Front, shows the path which the USA and other Western countries want to follow, indeed from the first minute, and which will certainly not lead to an end to the conflict in the manner desired by Morocco.