Mohammed VI’s walkout from the Rabat Summit in Rabat was more of a political and institutional humiliation in its full extent than a walkout.
It is not that the absence of the Alaouite satrap has tarnished the meeting, but rather that it has turned it into an international ridicule for the Spanish state and especially for Sánchez and the PSOE. Moncloa announced a historic summit at the highest level with Morocco, and that is where President Sánchez and 12 of his ministers – none of them from UN Podemos – went, and when they arrived in Rabat they found that the highest level had no intention of being present.
A brief phone call to Sánchez to invite him to an upcoming visit to Rabat, where the president and his ministerial entourage were already present, was all it took. Nothing. That’s what you get for bending over backwards like a Moroccan subject in the face of an authoritarian dictator like Mohammed VI.
Sánchez was only thanked for the services rendered for his government’s betrayal of the Sahrawi people by changing its political stance on Morocco’s illegal occupation of Western Sahara. And I suppose the promise, which will be broken as usual, to stop trafficking migrants as blackmail merchandise at the southern border of the Spanish state. Sánchez, as thanks for the thanks, sold that the government will double aid to companies that invest in Morocco to 800 million.
No boyfriend and paying for the spree.
Sánchez has not been able to explain the reasons for the betrayal of the Sahrawis, his arguments have been a hotchpotch of bad justifications. Perhaps this was made clearer by MEP López Aguilar in his attempt to justify the fact that only the European far right and the 32 PSOE MEPs voted last week against a declaration condemning Morocco for its human rights violations. “If you have to swallow toads, you swallow toads,” said the former Socialist minister under Zapatero.
One of the clearest examples of the level of infamy that roams politics that I can recall, but also one of the clearest examples of what is happening with the PSOE’s unilateral diplomatic turnaround in relations with the Alaouite dictatorship. I almost prefer to think that this is just that, a cession to Morocco’s threats and blackmail, rather than a change of position as a result of pressure from the pro-Moroccan socialist lobby headed by González, Bono, Moratinos and Zapatero, among others who also coincide in being treated as luxury guests with gifts and perks by Moroccan power.
This political and diplomatic ridicule – yet another of Minister Albares’ – coincides with the European Parliament’s investigation of Morocco for its attempts to corrupt and buy the votes of dozens of MEPs. With his betrayal of the Sahrawi people and submission to Mohamed VI, Sánchez has succumbed to his own values in the areas of human rights, solidarity, international law, war crimes and democratic rights, with which he won much of the support he needed to reach Moncloa. A bad political decision that drags down the image of the Spanish state and will also have bad political consequences on the eve of elections.