Western Sahara under debate at the University of La Laguna, Tenerife

PUSL.- Last Wednesday, 22 March, at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the University of Laguna, Tenerife, a debate took place on the Western Sahara Question, with the online participation, from the refugee camps in Tindouf, of Dr. Emboirik Ahmad Omar, former diplomatic representative of the Polisario Front in several countries and author of the book El movimiento nacionalista saharaui (2017). Emboirik Ahmad Omar, former diplomatic representative of the Polisario Front in several countries and author of the book El movimiento nacionalista saharaui (2017); and, from Asturias, Dr. José Ignació Algueró Cuervo, historian, author of the book El conflicto del Sahara Occidental, desde una perspectiva canaria (2003).

The event was presented and moderated by Professor José Abu-Tarbush, as part of the practical sessions of the Sociology of International Relations course.

A lively debate with broad participation by university students.