Debate on the liberation of Western Sahara in Brasilia (Brazil)

En el encuentro agroecológico de Bem Viver del pasado domingo tuvo lugar una mesa redonda sobre la lucha por la liberación del pueblo saharaui.

At the agro-ecological meeting of Bem Viver last Sunday a discussion took place about the struggle for the liberation of the Saharawi people.

Present were the Ambassador Ahamed Mulay Ali Hamadi, representative of the Polisario Front in Brazil, as well as Maria José Maninha, president of the Association of solidarity with the Saharawi people in Brazil, Pedro Batista, organiser of the Anti-imperialist Committee General Abreu e Lima and Thiago Avila, internationalist and organiser of the solidarity brigades with Cuba.

According to the organisers it was a very important moment for people to get to know the courageous struggle of the people in Western Sahara against Moroccan colonisation and the importance of supporting this effort to liberate the last colony of Africa. At the end of the event, the participants committed themselves to taking this struggle forward by talking to more people and spreading the word in their movements, collectives and spaces of action.