Izquierda Unida registers initiative to know the scope of the negotiations on Western Sahara airspace

Enrique Santiago y José Luis Bueno registran una iniciativa para conocer el verdadero alcance de las negociaciones entre España y Marruecos sobre el espacio aéreo del Sáhara Occidental

Enrique Santiago and José Luis Bueno register an initiative to know the true scope of the negotiations between Spain and Morocco on the airspace of Western Sahara.

izquierdaunida.org,. The parliamentary spokesman and the Andalusian deputy of Izquierda Unida formalise a written question in which they ask, among other questions, whether these talks “are backed by international law and the resolutions of the United Nations regarding the process of decolonisation” of these territories and whether “the government plans to consult the Congress of Deputies on this issue?

The parliamentary spokesman for Izquierda Unida, Enrique Santiago, and José Luis Bueno, Andalusian deputy of the same party in the Grupo de Unidas Podemos, have registered an initiative in Congress to find out the true scope of the negotiations opened between the Spanish and Moroccan authorities on the control and use of airspace in Western Sahara.

Among the questions that the two deputies are asking the Spanish Foreign Ministry to answer in writing is whether they consider that these open negotiations with their counterparts in the Kingdom of Morocco, which have been widely reported in the media, ‘are backed by international law and the resolutions of the United Nations regarding the process of decolonisation of Western Sahara’.

In the same way, they ask in their parliamentary question registered today in the Lower House whether “does the government plan to consult the Congress of Deputies on this issue?

Bueno and Santiago assess in the explanation of their initiative that, from the data known so far, “the ultimate aim of these negotiations seems to be to hand over to Morocco the air control over Western Sahara”, since in this way “point seven of the joint declaration that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, signed together with the King of Morocco, Mohamed VI, in April 2022” would be fulfilled.

For Izquierda Unida this means a “new public endorsement” by Sánchez “of the illegal occupation that the Kingdom of Morocco has maintained over Western Sahara since 1975, contravenes the resolutions and pronouncements of the United Nations in favour of a negotiated solution in the framework of the free self-determination of the Saharawi people, and signifies a new violation of the international commitments that fall on Spain as the administering power of this territory”.

Enrique Santiago and José Luis Bueno complete their initiative by asking the Spanish government whether it “intends to include in these negotiations” official representatives of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic.