PUSL – 13 years after the dismantling of the camp of Gdeim Izik, a non-violent protest which brought together tens of thousands of Saharawis for a month around El Ayoun in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, Morocco continues to torture political prisoners and to exploit and steal resources with the complicity of the international community, and to kill civilians.
The United Nations, which silently witnessed the dismantling, abduction and torture of the Sahrawi population on 8 November 2010, continues to fail to act to protect the population. The UN Security Council and the Secretary General are directly responsible for all human rights violations committed by Morocco due to UN inaction.
In Moroccan prisons, more than 50 political prisoners are languishing, victims of torture, ill-treatment and isolation.
The group of political prisoners of Gdeim Izik, dispersed in Moroccan prisons, suffer daily reprisals despite repeated calls by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other NGOs for the most basic rights of these prisoners to be respected and the decisions of the Committee against Torture which are not respected by Morocco.
The families of the prisoners of Gdeim Izik continue to be victims of reprisals, including the young sons and daughters of these Saharawi heroes.