South Africa’s response to the European Court of Justice’s decisions on Western Sahara

declaraciones de la Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores de Sudáfrica, Dra. Naledi Pandor, en apoyo a las decisiones de la Corte de Justicia de la Unión Europea sobre las objeciones presentadas por el Frente Polisario. La ministra destaca la legitimidad de la representación del pueblo saharaui y aborda la ilegalidad de los acuerdos entre la Unión Europea y Marruecos que incluyen el Sáhara Occidental. Además, hace un llamado a la comunidad internacional para proteger los derechos humanos y enfrentar la explotación de recursos vinculados a la ocupación. Conoce más sobre la posición firme de Sudáfrica y su apoyo continuo a la causa saharaui.

Statements by the South African Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Naledi Pandor, in support of the decisions of the European Court of Justice on the objections raised by the Polisario Front. The Minister stresses the legitimacy of the Saharawi people’s representation and addresses the illegality of the EU-Morocco agreements involving Western Sahara. She also calls on the international community to protect human rights and to confront the exploitation of resources linked to the occupation. Learn more about South Africa’s firm position and its continued support for the Saharawi cause.

South Africa’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Naledi Pandor, has expressed her country’s welcome for the recent decisions of the European Court of Justice related to the appeals filed by the Polisario Front. The decisions underline the legitimacy of the Polisario Front’s representation of the Saharawi people and question the legality of agreements between the European Union and Morocco that include Western Sahara.

During a high-level conference at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Dr Pandor renewed the call to all UN member states to intensify efforts to guarantee the just rights of the Saharawi and Palestinian people. She also condemned Morocco’s human rights violations and its refusal to allow the Human Rights Commission access to the occupied territories.

The Minister underlined South Africa’s strong support for the Saharawi people and their struggle for freedom and independence. She also denounced Morocco’s inappropriate diplomatic tactics, including the unjustified campaign against South Africa and the UN envoy, Staffan de Mistura, after discussing the Western Sahara issue in Pretoria.

Amid condemnation of Moroccan actions, South Africa reiterated its support for the struggle of the Saharawi people and called for respect for human rights and self-determination. The Minister urged the international community not to justify silence in the face of violations in Western Sahara and stressed the importance of commemorating the 77th anniversary of the UN Charter as a reminder of the need to comply with human rights under international law and UN resolutions.

On its anniversary, the Saharawi Republic remains an entrenched and irreversible reality. South Africa urges the African Union to urgently address the Saharawi issue and calls on the international community to unite in the struggle for decolonisation and self-determination.